All photography provided by Jim O’Donnell

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster a resilient agricultural economy, culture, community and environment in Taos County through education and capacity building around traditional and regenerative agriculture.

our Vision

We envision a future in which Taos County is home to a resilient local food, farming and ranching community; where food and agriculture play a holistic role in the vitality of our land and water, culture, community and economy. 

Resilient land and water — We envision a future where our agricultural lands and waters are held as sacred by our community, are well stewarded through traditional practices and modern innovations, are protected from development and are kept active, and productive, bio-diverse and regenerative.

Resilient culture — We envision a future where ranching, farming and local food are a source of cultural strength, where the food and agricultural wisdom of our elders and ancestors is passed down for generations to come, where our local food and agricultural traditions are respected and celebrated throughout the community and are embedded in our daily lives.

Resilient community — We envision a future where local food, ranching and farming provide a source of civic pride, where communities and cultures come together and work to share food, labor, resources, opportunities, risks, and knowledge. 

Resilient economy — We envision a future where local ranching, farming and local food bring money into our community and provide opportunities to keep our dollars local, where farming, ranching and agriculture related industries will provide viable primary and secondary income to our farmers, ranchers and food producers, and provide a source of food security to our vulnerable populations and our valley as a whole.