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Acequia Irrigation for Orchards

Acequia irrigation for orchards! Please join us for this wonderful workshop taught by local farmer Carlos Arguello and Taos County Extension Agent Will Jaremko-Wright on the Arguello family orchard owned by David and Trinidad Arguello in Valdez. Whether you are new to acequia irrigation or are an experienced irrigator wanting to think more deeply about perennial ground covers, terracing and other earthworks, or optimal irrigation for a quality fruit crop, this is a great workshop for you. ADDED BONUS! Cherries need picking in the orchard! Bring $5, all you can pick! PLEASE RSVP by phone to (575) 758-8731, by email to, or online at

This is a De La Tierra a La Cosecha Coalition Event in partnership with NMSU Taos County Cooperative Extension Service & 4-H Program and funded by NRCS! The coalition includes Taos Valley Acequia Association, Taos County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC), Taos Land Trust and us Alianza Agri-Cultura de Taos